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Oct 17, 2013

Plutora Announces Test Environment Management Platform

SYDNEY, Australia and SAN FRANCISCO – October 17, 2013 – Plutora, the leader in enterprise release management software, today announced the addition of Plutora Test Environment Manager, a cloud based on demand application that provides organizations transparency and control of their test environments. Plutora is the only SaaS provider on the market that brings together Enterprise Release Management and Enterprise Environment Management in single comprehensive SaaS solution.

The SaaS-based Test Environment Manager improves quality, availability, and efficiency of preproduction environments to meet milestones and ultimately reduce time-to-market and costs. It allows test environment managers to effectively manage all layers of standalone and integrated environments all through the cloud.

“Unifying the test environment process within the enterprise requires complete transparency on all processes,” said Dalibor Siroky, co-Founder and Director at Plutora. “Our customers were losing substantial time and financial resources due to unnecessary delays in the pre-production environment. Up to 30-40 % of testing time is often lost in environment related issues. On large programs each day of outage can easily cost up to $100K. Plutora Test Environment Manager remedies the lost productivity brought on by spreadsheet sprawl and poor collaboration between delivery and operational teams.”

Test Environment Manager provides comprehensive pre-production environment management capabilities by clearly identifying all pre-production environments used during all release phases. Through enhanced forward planning, Plutora is easily able to identify and avoid environment contention across disparate project teams. Plutora’s Test Environment Manager also tracks configuration versions and highlights all releases impacted in the event of environment failure. Delivery and operations team operate from consistent up to date information.

Plutora Test Environment Manager functionality includes:

  • Environment Booking and Allocation: Allows test environment stakeholders to raise in-take requests in a central system. Test Environment Manager acts as a central interaction point and provides a strong broadcasting system to drive better team collaboration.

  • Environment Lifecycle Management: Provides view of all projects and allocated test environments. Creates a visualization of planned downtime against various environments for data refreshes, application upgrades or planned environment integration switching.

  • Managing Application Release Drops: Manage all release drops into test environments in order to better govern what is happening in all test environments.

  • Configuration Management: Central respository of test environment configuration, application version identification and ‘GOLD’ baseline release config.

  • Environment Change Requests: Manage environment change requests between all environments (SIT, UAT & Staging) using a customization workflow. Drives end to end traceability between release packages and allocated test environments.

About Plutora

Plutora is Release Management software that helps organizations plan, manage and deploy IT releases and IT environments across the enterprise in a simple and transparent manner. Originated in a problem space that Plutora’s co- founders identified as executives delivering complex systems within large institutions over the last 5 years, Plutora provides businesses with a simple and transparent way to manage the flow of features from business stakeholders, through various IT environments ultimately culminating in a release to customers.

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