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A Look At the ROI: Is Enterprise Release Management Worth It?

Mar 24, 2016

“In many real-world case studies, Plutora has resulted in returns exceeding 600%. A typical return is around 400% depending on the depth of using the products. Factoring additional savings from Environment reclamation and reduction in capital spending on servers or Cloud Environments, ROI can balloon to over 1000%.”

Even as software release demands exceed the capacity of traditional manual management techniques, business decision makers must still make economics their chief concern when evaluating new products—especially for enterprise release management where automated solutions haven’t become mainstream.It’s easy for product marketing teams to create blustery messages regarding ROI, but what’s more valuable is an actual step-by-step breakdown of the value a solution offers. In our white paper, The ROI of Effective Release Management: Organizational Model and Financial Assumptions, we offer a practical example to highlight the benefits of a dedicated Release Management solution.

Contextualizing the Benefits Through Financial Modeling

The example given in the whitepaper is generic by design. It extends from the simple arithmetic governing a medium-sized team — with 60 different players involved in the software delivery lifecycle — completing 2 major releases and 2 minor releases each month.

Owing to mitigated environment contentions, greater managerial efficiencies, and fewer testing outages, such a team could expect to achieve a Return on Investment upwards of 290% after implementing a high quality, enterprise level Release Management solution.

That's just the bottom line. The underlying quantification methodology and starting point assumptions are covered in some depth within the whitepaper itself.

The point here is for you to understand that, for even a medium-sized enterprise release team, the savings are real and significant.

Enterprise Release Management: A Collaborative Affair

While developers make up the majority of a release team, that aspect of the process is already heavily automated and increasingly agile. The management level of the release process, on the other hand, is where employees and businesses still have a lot of  room for improvement. Aside from the cost savings that a proven release management solution introduces, release and test environment managers enjoy granular benefits to their daily operations:

  • Release Managers can expect increased visibility to rapidly spot developing delays and structural insight to identify and correct root causes before they become disruptive.

Want to learn more about the ROI of optimizing your Release Management processes? Download the white paper today to see how you can automate and streamline the management layer of enterprise releases.

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