DevSecOps vs. DevOps: An In-Depth Comparison
DevSecOps vs. DevOps: An In-Depth Comparison
DevSecOps vs. DevOps: An In-Depth Comparison

DevSecOps vs. DevOps: An In-Depth Comparison

Jul 26, 2023

Techies are always on the lookout to improve processes. One such innovation that this mindset led to is DevOps, which resulted in continuous integration and continuous delivery.

But it didn't stop there. In an increasingly digitized world where cyber threats loom large, the incorporation of security into software development became crucial.

That's when DevOps evolved to DevSecOps.

DevOps focuses on streamlining collaboration and accelerating software delivery, while DevSecOps goes a step further by integrating security practices throughout the development.

In this post, we'll delve into DevSecOps versus DevOps. We'll learn what DevOps and DevSecOps are, their key differences, and how to make a shift to DevOps or DevSecOps.

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Understanding DevOps

DevOps is an approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams.

Through the use of tools and practices, repetitive and manual tasks are streamlined, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. It aims to improve efficiency and deliver high-quality software.

But how does DevOps make it happen? Well, the secret sauce is the core principles of DevOps:

  • Collaboration—promoting close collaboration and communication between developers, operations, and other stakeholders and fostering a culture of shared responsibility

  • Automation—automating repetitive tasks, such as building, testing, and deployment processes, to eliminate manual errors and increase efficiency

  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)—continuously integrating code changes into a shared repository and deploying the software to production in an automated and efficient manner

  • Infrastructure as code (IaC)—managing infrastructure resources, such as servers, networks, and databases, using code and configuration files

By implementing these principles, DevOps brings numerous benefits to organizations. Some key benefits include

  • faster time to market,

  • increased collaboration and communication,

  • continuous feedback and improvement, and

  • improved stability and reliability.

DevOps isn't just a buzzword—it's a supercharged approach.

As per the State of DevOps Report, companies practicing DevOps can deploy software 200 times more frequently!

While organizations were thinking that DevOps was the best thing that happened for their teams, DevOps evolved and became something better: DevSecOps.

Introducing DevSecOps

As technology evolved and threats became more sophisticated, the need for security in software became increasingly apparent.

A collaboration where security is seamlessly woven into the DNA of software development, right from the start, is what DevSecOps brings to the table.

How Does DevSecOps Improve Security?

DevSecOps emphasizes the proactive integration of security practices throughout the entire SDLC.

With DevSecOps, security is no longer an afterthought or a separate team's responsibility. Instead, it becomes a shared mindset.

By integrating security controls and considerations, teams can preemptively identify and address vulnerabilities.

DevSecOps uses the same core principles of DevOps but with an addition:

  • Shift left—DevSecOps flips the traditional security approach on its head by shifting security practices to the left of the development timeline. This means integrating security assessments, code analysis, and vulnerability scanning early in the development process. By catching security issues at the earliest stages, teams can nip them in the bud before they escalate.

This added principle rewards organizations with several benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Implementing DevSecOps?

Enhanced Security Posture

By integrating security practices from the start, organizations can proactively identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of security breaches and data leaks.

Rapid Response and Remediation

DevSecOps empowers organizations to respond swiftly to security incidents and apply timely remediation measures. Continuous monitoring and automation allow for real-time threat detection, enabling teams to address vulnerabilities promptly.

Compliance Made Easier

With the increasing number of regulatory requirements and data privacy regulations, compliance is a top concern for organizations. DevSecOps provides a framework for integrating compliance controls into the development process, making it easier to meet regulatory obligations.

Click here to know how Plutora takes care of security.

Building upon the foundation laid by DevOps, DevSecOps takes a bold leap forward by integrating security practices directly into the heart of the development process. To be able to understand better how DevSecOps differs from DevOps, let's do a comparison.

Key Differences: DevSecOps vs. DevOps

DevOps vs. DevSecOps

Although DevSecOps is built upon the idea of DevOps, when it comes to priorities, execution, and implementation, they differ in some ways. Understanding these differences empowers organizations to make informed decisions and implement the right strategies.


DevOps emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. The focus is on streamlining processes and automating workflows to achieve faster and more efficient software delivery.

On the other hand, DevSecOps extends the principles of DevOps by integrating security practices throughout SDLC. It promotes a proactive security mindset, ensuring that security is an integral part of every stage of the development process.

By considering security from the design phase to deployment and ongoing operations, DevSecOps aims to build secure and resilient software systems.


DevOps aims to achieve faster time to market and improved software quality. By implementing automation, DevOps teams strive to reduce development cycles and increase the frequency of software releases. The goal is to enable faster delivery of features and enhancements to end users.

DevSecOps, while sharing some goals with DevOps, places a stronger emphasis on security. The primary objective is to seamlessly integrate security practices into the development process.

By prioritizing security from the beginning, DevSecOps aims to build secure and resilient applications. This involves the proactive identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities, continuous monitoring, and adherence to compliance standards.


Both DevOps and DevSecOps face their own sets of challenges in implementation.

DevOps often encounters cultural resistance and the need for organizational change. Shifting from traditional development and operations models to a collaborative approach requires buy-in from stakeholders and a cultural shift within the organization. Additionally, managing complex dependencies and ensuring consistent infrastructure across different environments can present challenges.

DevSecOps faces the challenge of integrating security into the development process without impeding speed and agility. It requires breaking down the perception that security is a hindrance to development. Finding the right balance between security measures and development requirements is crucial to ensure that security is not an afterthought but an inherent part of SDLC.

Tools and Technologies

DevOps and DevSecOps rely on different sets of tools and technologies to support their objectives.

DevOps leverages continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools; configuration management tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet; and containerization platforms such as Docker and Kubernetes. These tools enable automation, orchestration, and streamlined deployment processes.

DevSecOps utilizes a range of security testing tools, including static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), and software composition analysis (SCA) tools. Vulnerability scanning tools like Nessus and OpenVAS help identify potential security weaknesses. Security automation and orchestration platforms aid in continuous monitoring and incident response.

Understanding these key differences will help you understand what your organization's requirements are and which of the above methodologies is most suitable.

If you know what you need and are planning to go ahead with the implementation, the next section should give you a brief idea of different aspects to consider.

What Do Organizations Need to Do to Implement DevOps and DevSecOps?

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Implementing DevOps: Key Considerations for Organizations

When it comes to implementing DevOps within organizations, it's not just about asking teams to work with each other. It’s also about tools and practices, fostering a culture of collaboration, and unleashing the full potential of your teams.

Cultural Transformation

DevOps requires a cultural shift. Organizations should encourage open communication, collaboration, and shared responsibility across teams. With this mindset, they'll create an environment where ideas flow freely and innovation thrives.

Automation and Tooling

Investing in automation tools that support continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure provisioning enables teams to achieve faster and more reliable software releases. This also frees up time for innovation and reduces the risk of human error.

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Continuous Testing and Monitoring

Implementing comprehensive testing practices and continuous monitoring helps identify issues early in the development cycle and ensures that bottlenecks are promptly addressed.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Regularly gathering feedback from customers and stakeholders helps identify areas for improvement and informs the development process. This embraces a culture of continuous improvement.

Transitioning from DevOps to DevSecOps

Security Integration SDLC

Integrate security controls throughout the entire SDLC by conducting secure code reviews, performing vulnerability assessments, and incorporating security testing at every stage.

Security Automation

Leverage automated security testing tools, such as static application security testing and dynamic application security testing, to identify vulnerabilities early on.

Security Training and Awareness

Ensure that development and operations teams are equipped with the necessary security knowledge and skills. Offering security training programs and promoting security awareness across the organization helps create a security-conscious culture.


Security professionals should actively participate in the development process, guiding secure coding practices, vulnerability management, and threat mitigation strategies.

Continuous Security Monitoring and Incident Response

Implement robust security monitoring and incident response capabilities to detect security incidents and address and mitigate potential threats effectively.

By considering these aspects and strategizing accordingly, organizations can have a smooth transition.

Check out this whitepaper to learn more about continuous security.


As we conclude our exploration of DevSecOps versus DevOps, it's evident that both methodologies cater to different organizational needs. DevOps empowers teams to enhance collaboration, automate processes, and deliver software faster, while DevSecOps, in addition to the former, elevates security by integrating it throughout the SDLC.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that adopting DevSecOps or DevOps is not without challenges. Cultural resistance, skill gaps, tool integration, and maintaining a balance between speed and security are obstacles that require thoughtful consideration and strategic planning.

Organizations must invest in training, promote cross-functional collaboration, and foster a mindset of continuous improvement.

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